';}else{var xmlhttp; /* set ajax call variable */if (window.XMLHttpRequest){// code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safarixmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest();}else{// code for IE6, IE5xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");}xmlhttp.onreadystatechange=function(){if (xmlhttp.readyState==4 && xmlhttp.status==200){if (xmlhttp.responseText.indexOf("duplicate") > -1){/* alert(tool+" "+duplang); */document.getElementById(messagefield).innerHTML = '
' + tool + ' ' + duplang + '
';}else{/*alert(tool+" "+lang);*/document.getElementById(messagefield).innerHTML = '
' + tool + ' ' + lang + '
';var cartvalue = parseInt(document.getElementById('cartvalue').innerHTML);document.getElementById('cartvalue').innerHTML = cartvalue + 1;refreshToolList();}}}xmlhttp.open("GET","toolsearch-ajax-check.php?t="+tool+"&d="+desc+"&q="+qty,true); /* submit the tool and location to the session page */xmlhttp.send();}}window.t = 0;function showHint(str,webpage,e) /* used to showw hints for tool search */{e = e || window.event; /* set variable to check key submitted - value in function call should be 'event' to work in all browsers */ var t = window.t; /* set global variable for use with up and down arrow scrolling and mouseover */if (str.length == 0) /* reset output if input is empty */{ document.getElementById("txtHint").innerHTML="";return;}if (str.length>0) /* require 3 characters before beginning hint search */{if (e.keyCode == "38" || e.keyCode == "40") /* up and down */{if (e.keyCode == '40') /* down arrow key */{t = t + 1;if (t > document.getElementById("tcount").innerHTML) /* tcount is the row count from the query */t = 1;}else if(e.keyCode == '38') /* up arrow Key */{t = t - 1;if (t < 1)t = document.getElementById("tcount").innerHTML; /* tcount is the row count from the query */}for (var x = 1; x <= document.getElementById("tcount").innerHTML; x++) /* based on the count set the fore and background color for up and down arrows */{if (x == t){document.getElementById("t"+x).style.color= "rgb(255,255,255)";document.getElementById("t"+x).style.backgroundColor= "rgb(0,0,0)";}else{document.getElementById("t"+x).style.color= "rgb(0,0,0)";document.getElementById("t"+x).style.backgroundColor= "rgb(225,225,225)";}}window.t = t; /* set global row value of row that is currently highlighted */}else /* perform hint search based on inputs */{var xmlhttp; /* set ajax call variable */window.t = 0; /* reset selected item # to 0 */if (window.XMLHttpRequest){// code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safarixmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest();}else{// code for IE6, IE5xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");}xmlhttp.onreadystatechange=function(){if (xmlhttp.readyState==4 && xmlhttp.status==200){document.getElementById("txtHint").innerHTML=xmlhttp.responseText;}}if (document.getElementById("searchnumber").checked == true)xmlhttp.open("GET",webpage+"?q="+str+"&t=number",true); /* submit the search to the seartch page */elsexmlhttp.open("GET",webpage+"?q="+str+"&t=description",true); /* submit the search to the seartch page */xmlhttp.send();}}}function moveHint(str1,webpage) /* moves the selected hint to the input field and submits the request */{var c = window.c; /* check to see if a window variable 'c' is set - and check to see if set - used to prevent double submits */if (c == '1') /* if 'c' is set to 1 do nothing */{}else /* set 'c' to 1 and execute submit - do a slight delay on the submit */{window.c = '1';str1 = str1.replace('"e;', '"');document.getElementById("txt1").value=str1; /* move the hint to the input field in the form */setTimeout(function() { document.getElementById("search").submit(); }, 100);}}function handleEnter(webpage,e) /* when using up and down arrows to select item this performs on receipt of the enter key */{var charCode;var t = window.t;if (e && e.which){charCode = e.which;}else if(window.event){e = window.event;charCode = e.keyCode;}if(charCode == 13){var x = document.getElementById("t"+t).innerHTML; /* get the selected value and hand it off to move hint for submission */moveHint(x,webpage);e.preventDefault(); /* prevent default action on enter in order to ensure no doublesubmit */}}function resetitems() /* resets all items fromup and down arrow selection in the event of a mouseover */{var t = window.t;for (x = 1; x <= 10; x++){document.getElementById("t"+x).style.color= "";document.getElementById("t"+x).style.backgroundColor= "";}window.t = 0;}function checkfirst() /* check to see if 'c' is set. If so do not submit - stops double submission when button clicked */{var c = window.c;if (c == '1'){}else{document.getElementById("search").submit();}}
Exact Match
Part Number | Description | Sources Available | Tool Request Qty |
07-110 | SHORTIE FLUSH MUSHROOM SETS ( FACE DIAMETER: 3/4" (19 MM) )( OVERALL LENGTH: 1-3/4" TO 2" (45 TO 51 MM) )( SHANK: .401" ) | 1 |
Partial Match
RQST*: We do not currently have a manufacturing solution for this item but will do our best to source it.
Aviapool (Aviation Tool Pooling LLC) is a global company providing around the clock assistance for the planning, supply, and sourcing of tooling equipment to the commercial aviation marketplace.
We are making available to our customers a comprehensive one-stop solution in ensuring the right tooling equipment reaches you on time for your planned input needs. With a fully researched tooling database of over 600,000 items, across multiple aircraft types available to you, we are in a perfectly placed position to get you what you need on time and on budget.
We take your tooling requests, and source the items on your behalf. Just submit your items, and we do the rest.