Grades and Related Policies | Ohio State ATI (2024)

AttendanceGrades and Related Policies | Ohio State ATI (1)
Receiving Grades

Class Rank
Grades Not Included in Point-Hour Ratio
Academic Difficulty


Class attendance is crucial toacademic success at Ohio State ATI. According to university rules, a student may be disenrolled from a course if she/he is not attending.

Ifa studentneeds to miss several days of class because of illness or other problems, they must contact each oftheir instructors to make special arrangements to make up coursework. Students should consultwith theirfaculty advisor for any anticipated extended leaves.

Receiving Grades

Semester grades can be accessed through MyBuckeye Link.

Grades and Academic Progress

Grades That Determine Point-Hour Ratio (GPA)

The following grades describe the quality of student work from highest passing work through failing work. These grades make up a student's Point-Hour Ratio (Grade Point Average). Each grade represents a point value as shown below.
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*This grade indicates a student was properly registered for the course but failed to complete it because of non-attendance. This mark will be treated as an E in calculating the student's Point-Hour Ratio.

Note: There are no D-, E+ or A+ grades.

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Calculating Point-Hour Ratio (Grade Point Average GPA)

Point-Hour Ratio (Grade Point Average GPA) is calculated using the following steps:

  • Each course is assigned a specific number of credit hours. Multiply the credit hours for a course with the point value of the gradeearned for that course.
  • The result is the credit points earned for that course.
  • Total Credit Points = Credit Hours X Grade Point Value
  • Divide the number of credit points earned in a group of courses by the total number of credit hours attempted in those courses. The answer (a number ranging from 0 to 4) is your Point-Hour Ratio (PHR).
  • Point-Hour Ratio (PHR) = Total Credit Points divided by Total Hours Attempted.

A student can calculatetheir Point-Hour Ratio for any group of classes. The two most commonly considered Point-Hour Ratios are:

Semester Point-Hour Ratio - All coursestaken in a semester. See the example below.

Supposethe following grades were earnedthis semester:
Grades and Related Policies | Ohio State ATI (3)

Point-Hour Ratio = Total Credit Points divided by Total Hours Attempted

47.6 credit points divided by 14 credit hours = 3.40 Point-Hour Ratio (GPA)

Cumulative Point-Hour Ratio (CPHR) - All coursestaken to the present date.

Suppose that for the following semester 14 credit hours were attemptedand45.0 credit points earned. To calculatethe CPHR:

Add the credit points earned in both semesters.
47.6 + 45.0 = 92.6

Add the total number of credit hours attempted for both semesters.
14 + 14 = 28

Divide the Total Credit Points (92.6) by the number of Total Attempted Credit Hours (28) = 3.307 (CPHR)

Note: Point-hour ratio is determined by credit points received for gradesA through Eonly.

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Class Rank

Class rank is determined by the number of credits a student has earned.

Rank 1: 0 to 29 credits earned
Rank 2: 30 to 59 credits earned
Rank 3: 60 to 89 credits earned
Rank 4: 90 or more credits earned

Grades Not Included in Point-Hour Ratio

EM (Credit by Examination)

Instructors determine the level of achievement necessary to receive credit by examination for a course based on the criteria that is required for letter grades in that course.

The following rules apply:

  • Only registered University students may earn EM credit.
  • Students currently enroled in a spring or summer course may take an EM test for that course only during the first week of the term; for an autumn course they may test during the first two weeks of the term.
  • EM credit is not given for a course in which a student has previously earned a letter grade.
  • EM credit is not given for a course in which a student has received transfer credit from another college or university.
  • No course for which a student has received EM credit can be taken later for a grade or credit.
  • No credit points are allowed for courses with earned EM credit.

I (Incomplete)

An "I" indicates that a student has satisfactorily completed a major portion of the work in a course, but for reasons judged by the instructor to be legitimate, a portion of the course requirements remains to be completed.

The following rules apply:

  • The instructor will file the final correct mark as soon as the incomplete work has been finished.
  • A student will receive no credit toward his or her point-hour ratio until the final mark is submitted by the instructor.
  • A student must complete incomplete work as early as possible so the instructor can report the final grade no later than the sixth Friday of the following semester.

For legitimate reasons, an instructor may establish an earlier deadline for completion of the work. Within this period, a student may petition, with the approval of Ohio State ATI's AssistantDirector, for additional time to complete the work. A new deadline will be identified if an extension is given and the decision will be recorded.

S/U (Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory)

"S" and "U" represent satisfactory and unsatisfactory completion of work in Individual Studies courses at Ohio State ATI. These credits are counted as hours only and are not included in a student's point-hour ratio.

K (Transfer Credit)

"K" is awarded for courses completed at other institutions. "K" credit is counted as hours only and is not included in a student's point-hour ratio. "K" credit is awarded by the OSU Director of Admissions, Ohio State ATI's AssistantDirector and Ohio State ATI's Transfer Credit Coordinator.

W (Withdrew)

A "W" indicates that a student withdrew from a course after the fourth Friday of a semester.

PA/NP (Pass/No-pass)

A student may choose this option for a course that is not required or designated as a required elective in his or her curriculum. "PA" means that a student satisfactorily completed the course objectives. "NP" is equal to an "E".

A student must file the appropriate formwith Ohio State ATI's Academic Affairs Office before the fourth Friday of a semester to use the PA/NP option. Students may not change to or from this option after the fourth Friday of the semester.

"PA" credit counts toward hours but is not computed in point-hour ratio.

R (Registered to Audit)

To take a course for audit or to change from a credit to an audit basis,a studentmust obtain instructor approval and file the appropriate form with Ohio State ATI's Academic Affairs Office. Students who audit a course must meet audit enrollment conditions. Credit hours will not be awarded for audited courses.

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Academic Difficulty

Deficiency Points

Deficiency points are the difference between the number of credit points needed to have a 2.0 CPHR and the number of credit points earned.Students must earn a 2.0 cumulative point-hour ratio (CPHR) to graduate from Ohio State ATI. Ifa student'sCPHR falls below 2.0,they will begin to accumulate deficiency points. If this occurs,theywill benotified oftheir academic status which is determined byhow far theirCPHR falls below 2.0.

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Academic Status

Students with cumulative deficiency pointswill receivenotification oftheir Academic Status from Ohio State ATI'sAcademic Affairs Office.

If a student is on Probation, Ohio State ATI reviews their record at the end of each succeeding semester. Based on the facts ofeach case, Ohio State ATI will take one of the following actions:

  • Restore the studentto good standing,
  • Continue probation with a new set of conditions, or
  • Dismissthe studentfrom the Institute and University.

A Dismissed student is not permitted to enroll in courses at any Ohio State University campus until he or she has been reinstated. Dismissal is not a punishment. A student who continues to accumulate deficiency points is not making progress toward a degree. Therefore, dismissal enables Ohio State ATI to insist that a student take time to think through the causes of his or her academic difficulties.

Reinstatement may be extended to students who can present compelling evidence to indicate that they have taken adequate steps to eliminate the problems that caused their dismissal. Students who want to petition for reinstatement must:

  • Sit outtwo academic semesters before a petition will be considered.
  • Consult their last academic advisor to determine their readiness.
  • Complete a Petition forReinstatement.

Repetition of Courses

Ifa studentfails a required course and has not been dismissed from the university,they must repeat that course attheir first opportunity.

Audited courses may be repeated for credit with permission from Ohio State ATI's AssistantDirector.

Credit hours for repeated courses will only be counted once to meet graduation requirements.

Grade Forgiveness Rule (Faculty Rule 3335-8-27.1)

Undergraduate students may petition the authorized representative of the dean or director of their enrollment unit to repeat a course and, after completing the course the second time, have the original course credit and grade excluded from the calculation of the student's cumulative point-hour ratio, but remain on the student's official permanent record. This action will be subject to the following conditions:

(A) Permission to apply this rulemust be obtained no later than the close of business on the following days:

  1. The tenth Friday, for courses taken during a full-term autumn, spring, or summer semester
  2. The sixth Friday, for courses taken during an eight-week summer session
  3. The fifth Friday, for courses taken during a seven-week session in an autumn or spring semester
  4. The fourth Friday, for courses taken during a six-week summer session
  5. The third Friday, for courses taken during a four-week summer session

(B) The same course may be repeated only once under this rule.

(C) This rule may be applied for a maximum of three courses.

Students complete an onlinePetition to Use the Grade Forgiveness Rule through the University Registrar's webpage.

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Grade Changes

Grades submitted by instructors and filed with the University Registrar are official university records. A grade can only be changed if:

  • A procedural error (miscalculation of points, etc.) has been found.
  • Action to change a grade is taken before the end of the second succeeding semester.

All grade changes must be based on criteria used with all other students in the course.

Students must follow this procedure:

  • The student must meet with the instructor if the student feels there was a procedural error. If the instructor is no longer employed by Ohio State ATI, the student should contact the appropriate division chair.
  • If the instructor agrees that an error was made, the instructor will initiate a "grade change request," which must be approved by Ohio State ATI's AssistantDirector.
  • If the instructor does not agree that a procedural error was made, the student may meet with the division chair to discuss the grade and grading procedure. The chair has 30 days to review the request and respond to the student.
  • If the chair's resolution is not satisfactory, the student may submit a written statement to Ohio State ATI's Assistant Director describing the grade problem and the process to gain resolution. The AssistantDirector will determine if the grade grievance is due to grading procedures.
  • Unresolved grade grievances due to grading procedures are reviewed by a faculty committee appointed by Ohio State ATI's AssistantDirector. The committee will consult the instructor and student to determine the validity of the grievance. The committee has 30 days after the student's request to complete its review.
  • If the committee finds a procedural error occurred, and the instructor agrees, a "grade change request" is submitted as described above. If the instructor does not agree, the reasons for declining the committee's findings are submitted to the committee for additional review. If the committee reaffirms its original findings, it may authorize a "grade change request" to be initiated by the division chair.
Grades and Related Policies | Ohio State ATI (2024)


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