Ucsc Sip 2023 College Confidential (2025)

1. UCSC Science Internship Program (SIP) 2023

  • 28 apr 2023 · College Confidential Forums · UCSC Science Internship Program (SIP) 2023 ... 2. Did anyone get results yet for 2023 SIP Santa Cruz summer program.

  • hey!! noticed that there wasn’t a thread for ucsc sip 2023 yet so here it is :)) has anyone gotten a decision yet? i don’t see a specific release time on the website, but they’re supposed to come out today

2. UCSC Science Internship Program (SIP) 2024

  • 13 apr 2024 · Start a thread for any discussion for the 2024 for ucsc sip.

  • Start a thread for any discussion for the 2024 for ucsc sip

3. Applying to SIP - Science Internship Program - UC Santa Cruz

4. 2024 Research Projects - Science Internship Program

  • Research projects will be added to this SIP 2024 research projects page weekly through the month of May. Total Projects Posted: 119

  • CSE-01: Unveiling the Power of Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) and Their Practical Applications

5. Science Internship Program – Find out more about SIP 2023

  • Bevat niet: confidential | Resultaten tonen met:confidential

  • In light of the uncertainty surrounding the UAW academic workers’ labor strike and ongoing campus demonstrations, we have decided to make the following two adjustments to the SIP 2024 schedule.

6. 8 Reasons to Apply to UCSC SIP - Lumiere Education

7. Newsletter for 06/04/2023 | Graduate Studies - UC Santa Cruz

  • The events will take place in the Baskin Engineering Auditorium and courtyard. Please complete this form by April 4 to indicate your participation on May 20.

  • BSOE Graduate Student NewsletterAnnouncementsWinter 2023 University DeadlinesBaskin Engineering PhD Hooding Ceremony May 20, 2023Spring 2023 University Deadlines2023 Graduate Student SurveyApply Now for Stanford Propel - Fellowship Program for Diverse Postdocs in the Biosciences

8. Newsletter for 05/28/2023 - Graduate Studies

  • We are sending out a final call for SIP mentors for the 2023 Science Internship Program (SIP)! We have over 100 mentors (PhD students, postdocs, researchers, ...

  • BSOE Graduate Student NewsletterAnnouncementsWinter 2023 University DeadlinesBaskin Engineering PhD Hooding Ceremony May 20, 2023Spring 2023 University Deadlines2023 Graduate Student SurveyApply Now for Stanford Propel - Fellowship Program for Diverse Postdocs in the Biosciences

9. Applicant (and Parent) FAQs - Science Internship Program

  • Who will SIP interns be working with? SIP mentors are scientists affiliated with UCSC. Most are graduate students or post-doctoral scholars. Some are faculty ...

  • What does it mean when we say SIP is about real research? Fundamentally, when we say “real research”, we mean that no one already knows the answer. Projects are designed by the mentors based on their own research interests, and they are quite different from any lab a high school student will do in a science class. Things may go wrong, the project may go down a new route, and the SIP intern’s result may end up disproving the initial hypothesis. But no matter what happens, the intern can be assured that she/he will wind up knowing something that no one knew before!

10. Summer Programs — College Confidential - RSSing.com

  • Hello! I'm a junior this year and I just started looking to the US Senate Page Program. I was thinking of applying, but I had a couple of questions that i've ...

  • Viewing all 9362 articles

11. Frequently Asked Questions - Society for Science

  • Can students who have worked with scientist mentors or college students enter Regeneron STS? Yes; these students are eligible to enter Regeneron STS, but in ...

  • Here are the answers to questions commonly asked about the Regeneron Science Talent Search

12. [PDF] April 6, 2023 RTC Agenda Packet - SCCRTC

  • 31 mrt 2023 · Watsonville, County of Santa Cruz, UCSC and Cabrillo College plan to launch regional electric bikeshare program. GO Santa Cruz County to ...

Ucsc Sip 2023 College Confidential (2025)


What time do sip results come out? ›

Thank you for applying to SIP 2024!

Admission decisions will be emailed to applicants on Friday, April 26, 2024.

What is the acceptance rate for science internship program? ›

Science Internship Program (SIP) [Acceptance Rate: ~5%]

How much is the UCSC SIP program? ›

Are there scholarships? The academic program fee for SIP is $4,000 (this includes the $400 deposit). There is also an application fee of $60 and optional housing at $600/week during the weekdays.

How long is UCSC SIP? ›

SIP is a summer-long (9 week) research internship program for high school students in STEAM fields.

How prestigious is UCSC SIP? ›

UCSC SIP is a well-regarded summer research internship program that provides high school students with an opportunity to gain hands-on experience in STEM fields. While it is not as widely-known as some other nationally recognized programs, it is still respected for its strong emphasis on research and mentorship.

How selective is UCSC SIP? ›

The University of California Santa Cruz's Summer Internship Program (UCSC SIP) is indeed a very competitive program. They receive a large number of applications each year and the acceptance rate tends to be quite low.

How many people apply to UCSC SIP? ›

About 1,300 students applied for the roughly 250 intern spots that will be available this summer. SIP places motivated high school students in research groups, where they work as members of a real scientific research team.

What is the acceptance rate for SIP? ›

Selection process

Many NIH research groups are unable to accommodate high school students due to safety concerns, and the acceptance rate of HS-SIP is ~7%.

What GPA do most internships require? ›

Our platform data featuring more than 1,600 recruiters revealed that while the average minimum GPA for STEM roles was 3.65, and the average minimum GPA for non-STEM roles was 3.58, only a small share of roles on our platform actually had a GPA qualification attached.

Is UCSC SIP competitive on Reddit? ›

Hey, Is it hard to get into ucsc sip? About a 10% acceptance rate. 3,000 kids apply for 300 spots. Very solid program.

What program is UCSC known for? ›

The school is nationally known for astronomy and space sciences programs.

Is sip better than cosmos? ›

I picked SIP as I was advised that SIP is real research and COSMOS is just classes. I was also advised that SIP is ranked higher than COSMOS. I regret not going to COSMOS as when I look at stats , all COSMOS students land great college acceptances and colleges seem to love students who have done COSMOS.

Is a sip internship worth it? ›

Although UCSC SIP does not provide any academic credit, it is regarded as a prestigious research program for high school students. UCSC SIP interns have gone on to win publications and prizes at some of the most competitive research competitions in the world.

How do I contact UCSC SIP? ›

For questions about the Science Internship Program, please contact the program staff at ucsc-sip@ucsc.edu. For urgent or time-critical matters only, the program staff may be reached at: (831)459-4440, but please keep in mind that email is likely to be answered more promptly than voicemail.

Is the science internship program worth it? ›

Being enrolled in the Science Co-op Program allows you to apply your knowledge and skills, gain a competitive edge through real industry experience, develop your networks, discover career options, and earn a full-time salary.

How long does it take for SIP to reflect? ›

To ensure that your SIP order is placed with the exchange on the chosen date, your SIP amount is deducted one bank working day in advance. This way, you get the NAV as applicable on the order date.

What is the time of SIP payment? ›

Other schemes include equity, debt, hybrid, etc.
Payment modeOrder typeCut-off time
UPILumpsum and SIP2 PM
Netbanking (direct settlement banks)Lumpsum and SIP2 PM
Netbanking (non-direct settlement banks)Lumpsum and SIP12 AM to 11:59 PM
NEFT and RTGSOnly for lumpsum2 PM

What is the right time for SIP? ›

The best date to make SIP is when the investor receives money in his/her bank account like salary credit date. The study also points out that in the long-term it hardly matters if the investors invest daily, weekly, monthly SIP frequencies. All these three frequencies gave similar returns.

What is the average return on a SIP? ›

Historical SIP Returns
Fund Name1-Year SIP Return2-Year SIP Return
Kotak Nifty 50 Index Fund13.81%6.17%
Kotak Flexi Cap Fund16.78%8.11%
Kotak Bluechip Fund14.52%5.89%


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Name: Kelle Weber

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Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.